Calling down the Furies! –Robert M. Shelby, 2-21-11. [414 txt wds]

I am not a mid-eastern fanatic to start chanting “Death to the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch.” The nation would surely be better off without them, but I don’t wish the Grim Reaper to take them before their natural expiration dates. Instead, I call down unseen Furies upon them. May they experience sudden-onset dementia and crippling arthritis to hands so they can’t type or write, and calcification to speech muscles so they can’t talk. (And I beg the powers of magic that these curses never rebound upon me!)

I’ve had about enough of these megalomaniacal, would-be takers of power from the people. In my vicious moments, I want to see them wrapped in barbed wire and rolled down a steep grade into a deep, dry-bottomed quarry. Alternately, I’d be satisfied for them to be swathed in hot tar, coated with chicken feathers, ridden out of town on a sharply vee-topped fence rail by a rough crowd in the old, 19th-century way of handling fraudsters, shysters and miscreants. I know such mob behavior is not an appropriate exercise of democracy, but these self-heavy kleptocrats have fortified themselves to the point of virtual impregnability behind many concentric circles of paid factotums and errand boys.

Such egregious egotism they display! Such overweening disregard for our republic, buyable though it seems, and the public it should serve. I have nothing but contempt for those antisocial ultra-individualists among the world’s multi-billionaires. May they suffocate in their properties under crushing tons of baled money and gold bars while precious gemstones fill their mouths and noses, their beloved legal-documents and art-works burning beneath them in grand, Viking Funeral pyres. (Oops. Don’t let ‘em die, just suffer for several years, fully awake, immobile and incommunicado!)

We need a new law to identify and punish financial perpetrators who wreak murder on  politicians who could otherwise have been honest, and those who serially gang-rape the public good by means of suited thugs. No, I don’t cry out for the death of these ultra-rich malefactors. I wish for their organs to fry inside them until they waken from their evil dreams in which nothing matters but their own, self-righteous power and gain.

As for Wisconsin’s young Governor Walker, I want him to go to work immediately on a factory production line for ten years without union protection. Let him sweat and yearn under hard conditions. Then see what he feels about running other people’s lives.

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