The Top-Down War –Robert M. Shelby, 2-21-11. [735 txt wds]

No, this is not about the losing struggle of convertible cars against sudden bad weather. This is about the war being waged under myriad disguises by a few multi-billionaires from positions of virtual impregnability. They have been named many times, along with their hired minions, sympathetic supporters and self-interested hangers-on. We know who they are. These kleptocrats are running this war. They think its the natural way of all life. This is not about Afghanistan or Iraq, though these wars closely tie in to the kleptocracy’s general war on nature, science, reason and humanity. Their aim is to prevent popular solidarity rising against their program of extortion and dispossession.

Kleptomania is obsessive theft. Top kleptomaniacs keep teams of lawyers to explain why the gains from thievery are not ill-gotten. Whole companies of financial engineers and accountants plan slick ways for theft to happen and look legal. Lobbyists and more lawyers work to make the theft legal after it happens. Hired historians of business in “think-tanks” work to purify and polish the fraudlent facts. There is an entire industry of folks hacking away, writing copy, directing public-relations for the thieves and babbling away on TV. “Industry” is a euphemism for businesses of low ethical quality. Immoral business is given the same, sweet sounding name as truly productive works offering products or services indisputably worthy and needed.

Kleptocrats are kleptomaniacs who want to control governments and run everything for their own benefit and that of lesser thieves and to make permanent their ill-obtained ownings by spider-webbing the public into a stranglehold of disinformation,  ignored regulations, disempowering legislation, underfunded enforcement agencies and  perverted institutions. Ronald Reagan was a kleptocrat obsessively in thrall to the maniacal obsessions of ultra-rich kleptomaniacs embedded atop the whole class of owners and managers. This class justifies itself as the “Great Engine” of the economy, like a human head with a confused brain that can’t understand being part of a body that needs hands, feet, circulatory system and alimentation, all inside one skin. Kleptocrats see no skin but their own. They suppose nothing binds a social body together but law and culture which they control and shape by rhetorics of image and speech, backed by force. Kleptomania is an addictive-compulsive disorder. Kleptocracy is concealed crime.

The Top-Down War aims at everybody who is not on top. The strategic goal is to loosen the glue that holds ordinary folks together in society. Everything that bonds people into associations other than corporate, commercial, military, Republican or religious must weaken or vanish. Men are supposed to rule at top of hierarchies, so women must be subordinated to men or vanquished. Women are intrinsically more social than men, from mother-child relations onward. Men are more free, inclined to wander, clubbing together only for cover and support (boys will be boys, men will be men, wink-wink.) Women must, then, be disempowered and held down as in a sort of mass gang-bang. Next come any associations of and for working people, the middle class or poor folks. Labor unions must be defanged or dissolved. “Family values” means men own their women and children. Paternalism is uniformitarian. Everyone has to conform. Same-sex couples cannot marry or raise kids. Anyone not controlling real power is regarded as a child. The populace is livestock not to be sheltered and cared for but turned loose in wilderness to look out for itself.

Exemplifying Top-Down War is the new governor’s struggle in Wisconsin to eliminate  the right of unions to bargain collectively for wages, benefits and working conditions. The irony is, the governor has already accomplished uncertainly needed economies and needs to clip union power only from hubristic, kleptocratic, bull-headed, blind pride. It will be wrong to suppose Americans are less spirited or determined than Egyptians. Moreover, a kleptocracy that disowns nature and science in favor of short-term profits and its own wishfully foregone conclusions can expect profound retribution in which, unfortunately, our entire society and the whole world will suffer yet more ills to come.

Lastly, the fact that Wisconsin Republican Senate Majority Leader said yesterday that the legislative provision stripping public employees of collective bargaining rights would not be negotiable, shows that decisions have been made at the top levels of the klepto-conspiracy and are being religiously obeyed.. No doubt the Koch brothers, who bankroll Governor Scott and the regional Tea Party have given that order as a “final solution.”

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