Monthly Archives: January 2011

Troubled minds infect the world –Robert M. Shelby, 1-29-11 [970 txt wds]

Perception is selective. Much of perception is projective. The chicken I see on the road ahead at twilight, turns out to be a large, crumpled, kraft paper bag. From visual data received I unconsciously selected shape, size and color, then, also unconsciously, I  projected a preparatory, highly abstract, mnemonic image of the chicken that wasn’t […]

Deplorable Antagonisms –Robert M. Shelby, 1-4-11. [954 txt wds]

Would that the ladies and gentlemen of Rightist persuasion who write for this Forum were less insistent on their own infallible righteousness. It would be nice to read calm expositions from them instead of incessantly acrimonious attacks on any other view. So furiously do they militate that one can scarcely make out through the smoke […]

The economic menagerie. –Robert M. Shelby, 2-1-2011. [976 txt wds]

There have long been two economies matching a relation between horse and rider. An Investment Economy came to sit on top of the Productive Economy. The two were never well connected. Connection seldom improves. The riders sit on saddles called Stock Shares which rise or fall imperfectly with the horses but more in accord with […]