Chamber of Commerce types? –Robert M. Shelby, 10-13-10. [362 wds]

Why should any male Democrat care if an unconsciously fascist, lady reactionary calls him an egotist? Even if she writes nice, clear English in a pejorative manner to defend admiringly a fellow reactionary whose virtual fascism, like hers, doesn’t rise to the level of self- awareness? Obviously, he’s such a high class, accomplished gentleman that a low-down, egotistical “socialist,” such as they hold me to be, could never understand the mental elegance or social rank of either one of them, even as a former poet laureate.

What I do understand very clearly is that their blind commitment to a simplistic, antique idea of individualistic, traditional virtue now leads them to support some of the worst people in this country and to imagine they themselves will benefit from opening the door for alien money to invade U. S. politics and government. These “Chamber of Commerce” types are more dangerous to American life than Al Qaida and all the Sharia Law ‘conspiracies’ here or abroad. These are in no small part imaginary. Some people on the far right are whooping them up, just now, as part of the fear campaign aiming to tilt more Republicans into office. If Muslim Americans are a serious threat, we will find out soon enough. Meanwhile, our political process is subject to far too much emotional hype, including that from the misguided Red Shirts.

It doesn’t matter to folks of such blunted discernment that I came to despise Socialism  as an economic model more than sixty years ago. Anything or anyone more sociable than they are can only be to their left, therefore “socialist.” I’d be perfectly ready to be sociable with those stiff-necked people, but they’d call it “socialism.” It’s simply incredible how severely threatened they feel, and how frightened that the clock may not get turned all the way back to 1910. If theirs are “traditional values,” I don’t want any. It doesn’t seem quite “patriotic” to me that they channel foreign money into our country literally to seize power by swaying the emptyheads with a last-minute tsunami of fantasy-based, negative ads.

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