Monthly Archives: September 2013

America’s deconstruction? #204 –Robert M. Shelby, 8-29-31. [444 txt wds}

“The Kochroach Theory, while less known than the Peter Principle, is also a proven and readily observable characteristic of those individual persons who have risen to extreme levels of moral and ethical incompetence, and are following the next path on their journey to establish ‘More is Not Enough’ as the guiding principle of the One […]

A day of infamy. #203A –Robert M. Shelby, 8-29-13.

Three weeks before that rainy day when I heard John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, November 22, 1963, I had turned 32 years of age. My son was two years old and was with our usual sitter for the afternoon. His mother was at work in downtown Berkeley, at Shattuck Square. I was on […]

Angry GOP lost in fog.  #203     –Robert M. Shelby, 8-27-13.  [501 txt wds]

Bob Burnett, on Huffington Post, 8-27-31 writes: “Republicans don’t understand that it would be a terrible idea to crater the American economy because they’ve lost touch with reality. Hypnotized by a toxic blend of Reaganomics and Objectivism, Republicans don’t understand how the economy works or the concerns of middle-class families.” I add: They seem lost […]