“The Kochroach Theory, while less known than the Peter Principle, is also a proven and readily observable characteristic of those individual persons who have risen to extreme levels of moral and ethical incompetence, and are following the next path on their journey to establish ‘More is Not Enough’ as the guiding principle of the One Percent. …. The wealthiest 400 of the these US Kochroaches now have amassed wealth that equals the total assets [and wealth?–or poverty!] “of 165 MILLION fellow Americans.”
This remarkable quotation (above) is by Discus commenter “tomdoff” under a Salon article by David Dayen on Alternet, 8-28-13, about Michael Winston’s tribulations in conflict with Bank Of America after it took over the criminally mismanaged loan company, Countrywide, that had employed Winston, under false promises, to work under terrible conditions in spite of his organizing a team of experts to improve Countrywide’s increasingly shady business. Bank of America became even worse, defying and bending the appellate court system to suit itself. Money out-screamed all justice. The “Kochroaches” evade and avoid settlement or recompense and demand ridiculous compensation from Winston. Poor, abused Bank of America!
Oh, yes, these poor, abused people over on the Right will object to being rhetorically “dehumanized” by classifying their power-mongers with roaches. But, . . .
Does moral and financial deconstruction of the United States of America end with one person owning 99% of all things of value in the country? That is the ultimate reduction- to-absurdity of these destructive processes we see in motion. We see the nation hanging over an abyss with a mentally bankrupt House Republican caucus at the helm while the fat cats keep on feathering their nests and sucking people dry. Tea Party types will blame the people themselves for every kind of deficiency, dependency and spineless lack of initiative, hoping revolution begins so militarized police forces can wipe out all those recalcitrant “sub-citizens” who throw away their “rights” by not submitting to the crooked courts and their owners. Does that square with tea partiers’ “patriotic” ideals?
Yes, it clearly does, because the country they are loyal to is invisible. It exists only in fragments of Yesterday and clouds of Tomorrow, a place like Cloud Cuckoo Land. Ah, just climb Jack’s looming beanstalk to talk about (uh, beans) and be happy! Up there, we don’t need concern ourselves with people who have less yet need as much as we do. We have the Golden Goose up there, and we’ll cook it right away for tonight’s dinner. The Giant’s already dead, Jack took care of him. He had no rights to our Castle, anyway. (Geez, what’re those little things running around the walls? Oh. That’s us!)
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