Money in our generation is a lie. The bigger the money, the bigger the lie. Fiat money is virtually printed by the Federal Reserve without deposits behind it through artificially swelling bank credit. Market values in a fiat money backed economy are the equivalent of hearsay in a courtroom. Shoppers see a dollar amount on a placard, a price quoted on a screen or an amount spoken on the radio. It echoes in their minds. Sellers insist this is the true amount needed by the buyer in order to transact a purchase. A seller may not believe it, but he sticks to it. A buyer may not believe it, but he ponies up. The main products of such an economy are (1) voluntary submission to play-acting and (2) massive cynicism all around. Unreality is made the standard for nearly all experience in public arenas, economic and discursive. Lowering of value in monetary units spreads through the whole economy. Incomes shrink while prices rise in an inflationary spiral. National morale sinks.
If money is speech, speech mirrors money. The value of a word falls. Fiat talk needs no facts to back it up. During the last century, GOP speakers became adept at fiat talk. They had little choice, because dedication to truth spoken in real speech would have required them to sit down, shut up and give up. As Republicans and their allies are not dedicated to truth beyond its value as a rhetorical term, but are dedicated to gaining power by any and all means including subversion of the electorate by money, false talk and manipulation by twisting frames and magnifying or reducing images, they play as if casting shadows on smoke and mirrors. Winning is everything. Ends justify their worst means, one of which is to cast blame for their own misdeeds on to the other side and mercilessly malign any who throw it back at them. Hence, Republicans now manifest a complete inversion of values: money and status at the top, truth and quality at the bottom. This is so much the case, they now know nothing real but force.
Hence, their present emphasis on “national defence.” This is the power to aggress on anyone, anywhere, any time. Half the Pentagon budget would suffice for defense and still outweigh the strongest nations’ forces combined against us. But, defense is a euphemism for imperial power over all the world, which has become necessary to the owning elites due to the past behavior of some of them, outside U.S. borders. Rapacious carelessness on the part of business people and corporations have alienated entire populations world-wide which are now riddled with enmity toward us. This adds to the national insecurity of Americans, who in spite of the Marshall Plan and other generous acts in the past, are at risk of violence at home and abroad. Too much of our generosity, by the way, has been self-serving contribution to foreign military forces in training, weaponry and materiel. Helping others to aggress on people anywhere, eventually comes back to bite us. The cycle of insecurity and violence grows.
People now rely on everybody from political dead center to active left to correct our national course by overcoming the curse of those who foist insecurity on us, lie, and devalue everything in the world but what they can grasp and hold on to as private property and the wealth they derive from it. Their cheap-shot claims of Marxist “class-war” by the majority against themselves is their most egregiously projective deception.
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