Paul Ryan plays an intellectual shell game on the world. More than play it, he IS the shell game. He is the pea missing from under two of the three cups in the shell game that Mitt Romney plays on the country. Ryan’s economic qualifications are far less than Tim Geithner’s despite his big reputation among Tea Partiers. Even so, Obama should not have taken Geithner into his administration. Smooth talk aside, Geithner has been a banker more than a public servant, as shown by his performance in office. He is by nature a fox in the hen house. Romney and Ryan would bring the worst pack of wolves into the federal barn since The Gilded Age! Neither of them has firmly human qualities.
They are “all too human” in the worst sense of the phrase. One begins to wonder if either of these gentlemen has a pea under his cup. One wonders what they are taking (besides a lot of free money) and, would it show in a laboratory cup?
They are hollow men. Hollow people recognize each other, but cannot perceive their hollowness. They grow up to be superficial. They seek illusory fulfillments. Instead of spiritual depth they manifest the religiosity of idol worshippers. Idols of the Tribe and Marketplace suit them. Their versions of religion and politics amount to stone Idols.
The sacerdotal ritual and ecclesiastic matter of their affiliations can be hard to identify without an officially encoded program containing the internal mantras and external talking points, but once you see that nothing shown or stated can be taken at face value, most of it clarifies. They lack cosmic connection and direction. They express narrow outlooks that fragment the world and divide people around them to reflect their own internal partiality and indoctrined substitute for depth and content. I never owned a passport. I think I’ll apply, because I wouldn’t be able to tolerate staying in a country they would to run further aground while promising freedom for all imaginary virtue.
I stand on a stout branch of hope to say that the Republican reliance on big money in the coming election will redound to their massive disappointment. The corporate ultra-rich behind the GOP will find that they and their money cannot get a victory, in view of the otherwise empty show their too-far right puts on. Contrary to what those extremists believe, there are not enough fools in this country to lay bets on the table that would make the GOP shell game worthwhile. Why? This time around, the vast majority of folks strolling the fairgrounds know in advance that there’s no pea under any of those shells but a poison pill wrapped in a fat wad of fiat green.
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